
最近不知怎麼了,好幾個信箱常收到這樣的信,信中似乎提供給你一個密碼,很像是你去哪邊登記了服務,然後通知你的樣子,重要的是,隨信夾帶的檔案中有一個,會以不同命名的壓縮檔,其中正有一個 “meqobodub/oothdnkzxk.dll” 正是病毒檔案,在這邊提醒大家要留意。

The attachment meqobodub/oothdnkzxk.dll with this email is believed to contain a virus, but the condition cannot be confirmed, or the file cannot be disinfected. It is recommended that you DO NOT open the file until you have checked it with anti-virus software.
The attachment vrwodnfhsqa.exe with this email is believed to contain a virus, but the condition cannot be confirmed, or the file cannot be disinfected. It is recommended that you DO NOT open the file until you have checked it with anti-virus software.